Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My wonderful classmates

These are my wonderful classmates who went with me together to Perth in September 2008. They have provided me lots of wonderful and colorful memories to chew on.

Junie, Cherly and Jenny at the dinner table.
Wonderful Wayne with flower.
Portrait of Alfred.
Junie with a big smile.
The Zulu Chief, Alfred.
Alfred and the Golden Sand.
The Thinker, Hor Yee.
Second post of the Thinker, Hor Yee.

Please note that all these posts were not deliberately posted for my shots. They were all captured when the subjects were not aware. Except for two shots where Junie look at the camera and the one at the dinner table.

1 comment:

Drake said...

Wow! What a small world. Hor Yee and I used to be classmates in secondary school period.